Unsolicited wedding advice: How to create a win/win situation
I recently read an article addressing the psychology behind unsolicited advice. The article focused on a research paper titled “Advice Giving: A Subtle Pathway to Power,” which confirms what most of us have likely suspected: unsolicited advice more for the benefit of the adviser than the advisee. So how can you work with this to make unsolicited advice less irritating, and more helpful?
Genderfluid wedding inspo: Vintage science-themed queer elopement shoot
Just wait until you see the dopamine-driven vision that came to fruition at this eclectic wedding inspiration in Seattle. Two breathtaking vintage-inspired dresses, opulent jewelry that will have you panting, lush flowers by that look plucked from a dreamy field, and organic nature-meets-science decor.
(Also, these photos are an awesome celebration of how partnerships come in lots of different sizes, shapes, and structures. You’ll see…)
Dark Garden Corsetry: not all dark, and not just corsets!
Despite their name, San Francisco’s legendary Dark Garden Corsetry isn’t dark at all — it’s a gorgeous light-filled space — and it’s NOT just about corsets. They’ve got bras and dresses and accessories and and and SO MUCH EYE CANDY.
Since I already have a Dark Garden corset, on my most recent visit I decided to poke into their NON-corsetry products, and dear lawd…
Offbeat Bride on Labels of Love
Philosopher Carrie Jenkins recently interviewed me for her podcast, Labels of Love. In the six-minute segment, I talk about people’s concerns over both halves of the Offbeat Bride name (there are problems with OFFBEAT and problems with BRIDE!), as well as why people prioritize wedding photography so much. The piece finishes a discussion of my work on my second book, and why I hope no one ever needs to read it.