What do guests really care about?
“I’m curious to know what the most memorable parts of a wedding are to guests? What have they been in your own personal experiences?”
Obviously every guest’s notice-worthy things will be different, but I’ll speak for myself based on two things: my opinions as a wedding guest, and my opinions as a wedding blogger….
Offbeat Bride at Geek Girl Con
So! This weekend was the Offbeat Empire panel at Geek Girl Con. Wondering what we talked about? Wondering who’s BFFs with a Stormtrooper? Wondering who had an epic life-lesson metaphor about bunny hats? Curious about who lists “going open source” as the smartest geeky decision they ever made?! CLICKY!
10 blunt-but-loving ways to tell people they’re not invited to your wedding
While there’s no way to make everyone happy, I do believe that there are a few key phrases you can use to let uninvited guests to that you love them, you SO appreciate their interest, but no: they’re still not invited.
How to deal when your wedding goes viral and people hate it
Let’s put aside all our Very Important Opinions about how other people have weddings we don’t like. I want to address the other side of this issue: how to deal when YOUR wedding (yes, YOUR incredibly tasteful, personalized, awesome wedding that you worked on for months or even years) goes viral, and then gets shit on by dozens or hundreds or even thousands of strangers.