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Author of three editions of the Offbeat Bride book and its sequel (From Shitshow To Afterglow, the ultimate offbeat breakup book), Ariel Meadow Stallings is the publisher of all the Offbeat Empire web properties. She lives in Seattle with her son. You can read her latest writing here.
guests blowing kiss alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Start off your ceremony with all your guests blowing you a kiss

Kim & Cole’s ceremony was officiated by Kim’s father, who did the whole thing irreverantly. Kim explained that to begin with, “The ceremony started off with all of the guests simultaneously blowing us a kiss.” What a beautiful way to start your ceremony with a sense of guest involvement and an outpouring of love! Just have your officiant start with the request for a blown kiss and voila: instant warm fuzzies.

post secret wedding crop alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why does the internet love snarking about weddings so much?

The internet loves snarking in general, but there seems to be something particularly digitally delectable about making fun of weddings. Sometimes it feels like nontraditional weddings get snarked on the most, but these days it seems you’re just as likely to see people bitching about how all the wedding trends are played out. What I want to explore is WHY? Why does everyone love getting bitchy about weddings? I’m going to put on my sociologist/media studies hat and share a few theories…

8309021542 6bb2c17c32 c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do you fight wedding decision fatigue?

While trying to organize everything for our wedding, I feel so overwhelmed with options that I have become very indecisive about things.

How did you come to a decision on anything from theme, color-way, dress, guest gifts, etc.? Was it hard after to not compare it to other options? How often did you change your mind before coming to final decision?

day of trade alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Trade day of coordination duties with other engaged friends

“We knew we wanted/needed a day-of coordinator, but it also wasn’t in our budget. We wanted someone objective who would help execute our plan, and we wanted our families to have a great time and not to have to worry about anything. We ended up doing a trade with our friends, who were getting married a month after us. They coordinated our wedding day, and we coordinated theirs. It worked incredibly well. “