Tribesmaid Calikazam and her groom decided to forgo a printed invitation in lieu of this wedding “training” video (with a little Team America thrown in)! Check out the video and their explanation below:
We decided pretty early on that we had no interest in doing traditional, calligraphied (yup, I just made that a word) invitations. We are both film-makers and -lovers, so we wanted to reflect that in our invitations. This resulted in a webpage with a video inviting people to our wedding, accompanied by a digital invitation with all the important info like location, time, and information with a link to our wedding website. Bonus: No printing or postage costs!We came up with the idea after watching Rocky IV!
Haha loving the Montage song XD
I’m absolutely in love with this. Good going!
Too cute! !:D
OMG! That’s us!!!! Hahaha.
I was in a really mopey mood this morning, and this just totally made my day. Thanks, Offbeat Bride!
Video! F*** yeah! Coming again to make you laugh today!
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. love the cat and paper balls. well, loved the whole thing, but that was my favorite part. *snorfle*
I hope your future husband recovered from his bouquet stab wound. Who knew that was a risk?
It was a tragic moment for all of us. They really should include warning labels.
this is awesome! good job! hope your wedding is amazing!
You guys are AWESOME!
Awesome video! And we’re date twins! 23 more days!!
Greatest S.T.D. ever, I love it!
This is random but the lovely bride looks so much like Dawn from Buffy…
Yeah she totally looks like Michelle Tranchenberg(sp?)
Best. Invite. EVER!
This is AWESOME!!! Love it! Hope you guys had a blast at the wedding! Congrats!
Perfection! And the bride in this is so freaking cute! I fell in love a little.
Love it, great idea guys