Sabrina wanted to have a fingerprint guest book at her wedding. After perusing Etsy and not seeing anything that she couldn't pull off herself, she decided to do exactly that! She made her own fingerprint guest book in about ten minutes, using free stock photos of a tree and a bird. She made the birds match her wedding colors, and virtually carved her and her fiance's initials in the tree, then printed it out on card stock.
And here it is in action at the wedding:
If you'd like to use this fingerprint tree guest book as a template, Sabrina has been kind enough to let you download a PDF file of the fingerprint tree for your very own.
And just for funsies, here's a gorgeous shot of Sabrina and Will on their wedding day:
DAMN IT! I just paid a bijillion dollars for the Bleu de Toi handmade tree. Oh well….it’s good to fund artists!
Awww so pretty, great idea.. have downloaded it and will use a version of it at my wedding! luff luff!!xo
Aww such a great idea, I love it! 🙂 I just might use it in my wedding, thanks for sharing 😀
Just saying.
There are dozens of free fingerprint tree templates available online, so I’m not sure this really qualifies as the dark side of DIY.
I’m not familiar with a fingerprint tree…do the guests put their print and signature? I’ve never heard of this idea but I LOVE it!
i saw one on etsy that i really liked it was a tree as well, but instead of fingerprints it had little cut out leaves that were sticking off the page that guests could sign.. i dont know if i will go with that or a variation of the two, we shall see, but im definitely making it myself! 🙂 Its great you posted it as a free download!
what kind of paper did you use for the tree itself? We tried it on canvas and the fingerprints don’t come out very clear.
We used regular kraft cardstock.It was matte so there was very little smearing.
I haven’t been on OBB in a while and I am just now seeing this post. I’m so happy that I could share this with other brides and check one more thing off that neverending to do list.
Thank you for sharing! This is just what my step-daughter wanted and you can’t beat the price!
I think this is great for someone a little artistically challenged or has little time to do, but another option would be to go to the craft store and make it a project for the bride and groom! I was able to get a Large canvas for cheap and paint so we are going to paint the tree and ourselves underneath. I am all about adding in as many personal touches as possible, plus it is so fun.
Thank You for the template! This is a creative and cute idea!!
Still can’t edit either of these versions.
The PSD file should be editable using Photoshop.