Ariel and I were so inspired by this hilarious groomsman photo that we decided to celebrate creative and funny groomsman photos in general. Perusing the OBB Flickr pool, here's what we found…
This is one of our all-time favorite shots from photographer Gwenyth Colleen who explains, “This is what happens when the photographer hands a groomsman her camera.”
I'm loving this shot of Dan and his groomsmen, now THAT'S the way to pre-game!
Groomsmen don't make enough kissey-faces these days.
<a href=”” title=”Groomsmen w/ faux Swords by Anne Ruthmann, on Flickr”>Groomsmen with swords are always awesome, but it's sword placement by the guy on the left that makes this a classic.

Photographer Peter A. Charlesworth shared this new groomsman pose he's starting suggesting at his weddings: "New wedding photography technique for loosening up the groom and... Read more
I looooove this variation of a groomsman photo from Chris and Chloe's wedding.
OBT member Caitlin submitted this one to the OBB Flickr pool explaining, “the guys got ready quickly, found some choir robes, and got into trouble…” If by “trouble” you mean “taking really great groomsmen photos” then you are absolutely right Caitlin!
OBT member Darcey submitted this photo of another group of groomsmen up to no good in a bathroom!
This is what happens when you give all your groomspeople lightsabers.
When “Viking groomsmen” meet “Abbey Road” this photo, from Ann and Sean's Halloween Viking wedding, is the result.
I have to include a shot from Sabrina's (OBT member blablover5) wedding which is CLASSIC comedy gold. The groom and the groomsmen as the Marx Brothers.
OMG, the most enthusiastic jumping photo I've ever seen… except for the groom in the middle.
this just made my day 🙂
seriously priceless. I love silly grooms!
I’m sending this to my fiance’s best man right NOW. Love it.
All of these pictures are full of win. Love it!
I think No. 3 was my uncles approach to getting my dad ready for his wedding. Apparently when my mum walked down the aisle the first thing dad said was “I really need a pee!”
All these pictures are fantastic though! The first one is a personal favourite.
Judging from the second photo, I have been able to determine that boxer briefs are the preferred undergarments of groomsmen.
Thank you for warning me to finish my drink before opening this post 🙂
completly AWESOME!
Love these pictures!
Oh Man, can we make this a weekly segment, or even a tumblr like cute boys with cats? My heart is now filled with Win!
Awesomesauce. Also, it seems the world needs more funny bride/bridesmaid photos, amiright? I’ll do what I can.
I just had some devastating news for my own wedding, and this really brightened up my mood.
This cracked me up. My husband has a few of these from our wedding too…
This made my afternoon and I now have another reason to get antsy about getting hitched – I can’t wait to see what my guy and our mutual circle of guy friends get up to (especially once lightsabers and liquor become involved!)
The sword pic is my husband (center) and his brothers! 😀
Awesome! I love that one.
Love it! I plan on having a few of those too! We can be quite a silly bunch!
Love them, the first image is very cool!
Love Love LOVE!! these pictures, there’s gotta be some funny bridesmaids out there too though right??
Workin’ on it. 😉
I am still laughing at the last photo of vigorous jumping groomsmen and the look of abject shame on the groom 😀
Holy crap! I’m the Groom from the jumping picture. How’d this get on here? This is amazing!
Eric, the photo was submitted to the Offbeat Bride photo pool on Flickr. 🙂
Thank you so much for posting my husband and jumping groomsmen!! If you want some serious entertainment, you should be able to find our flickr photos with the two shots leading up to this one. I love scrolling back and forth 🙂
I love the paper lantern one! These are all great!