Winter weddings are, in my opinion, the unsung heroes of the wedding world, especially when it comes to fashion. I mean, is there anything more lovely than a wedding portrait in the snow?! So gorg. And when you're hauling your butt out into said snow, you might want a matching winter wedding headpiece, veil, crown, or even a woolly hat to match. I did some digging to find snowflakes, crystals, juniper, and more in hats, crowns, headpieces, and veils to adorn your wintry noggin.
Shall we take a peek at what I found?
Winter wedding veils

Winter wedding hats

Jewelry Ajoure Flowers
Winter wedding crowns and tiaras

And for maximum winter queen impact…

Some of these are absolutely stunning! I loved the snowflake tiara and the mermaid crown. But I was disappointed to see fur, even vintage fur, being recommended 🙁
I was sure I only put in faux fur but you’re right! I removed any that slipped in!
Cool; I thought it was an odd thing to see, but thought it might have been because it said “vintage”!
cool stuff!!
Any ideas for winter grooms? I have my wintery veil but my poor fiance isn’t finding much inspiration for winter accessories online. It’s sad to think of me in my no-holds-barred winter wedding fantasy outfit and him in… a black tux. With maybe a top hat. Not even a decorated top hat — the only decorated top hats we can find are for snowmen!
A little late perhaps, but could take your motifs & incorporate them into his clothing, perhaps? A holly/ mistletoe boutonniere, snowflake socks, an ombre tie from grey to light blue. For a top hat, you could just get one in a wintry colour or with a textured band (maybe succulents surrounding the base or in a wintry material like velvet), but I think most western grooms don’t do headwear right?