If you've been paying attention to the site in the last year, you've probably learned something, gained inspiration, or was taught a valuable wedding lesson by Stacey Dyer. Now she's not just a valuable Offbeat Bride contributor, she's also an awesome Offbeat Bride sponsor with her kick-ass wedding planning book series AstroWed!
Gender neutral, space-themed, and funny as all hell, this wedding planning workbook — stemming from Stacy's experience planning her own offbeat wedding, combined with her knowledge in the tech industry — is here from the future to make wedding planning easy.
Inside this groom, bride, and LGBTQ-friendly workbook you'll learn:
- How and why to cross out all the to-dos that don't matter to you
- How to make stress-free decisions when it comes to your wedding
- How to use the Priority Galaxy
- How to fend off evil brain-sucking ‘Zillas
- Timeline-based clusters of worksheets
- Blank worksheets for you and your vendors, to help truly make this wedding YOURS
The world reacts to AstroWed!
“Beautifully designed, incredibly organized, and written in a tone that's fun, quirky, and stress-minimizing, I can't imagine how anyone has ever planned a wedding without AstroWed.” – Katie Eelman
“I'd recommend the sh*t out of this to my clients”
– S. Ilene, Wedding Photographer
If you're feeling overwhelmed, just starting on your wedding mission, or just want to have some lulz during the planning process… get your hands on the Universe's most kick-ass wedding planning workbook and take over the world! Okay, maybe not. But you'll definitely make wedding planning a lot easier.
Speaking of the tech industry, I’d love a wedding planning resource (workbook, blog entry series, whatever) that talks about using tech in wedding planning. The pros and cons if digital invites, and which companies are good to use (I’ve looked at glo and paperless post, and both offer really different services with different pricing structures). What’s the best approach to a wedding website? There are apparently personalized wedding apps now, so do I need that and why? Do people actually like the new digital registry services, or do they confuse the elderly relatives you registered in order to appease in the first place? Are there other techy solutions to common wedding planning issues beyond Google Sheets and Pinterest?
These are all incredibly valuable questions I’d love to hear perspectives on from other couples. Here are a few responses to your questions from the firsthand experience of getting married last year…
Digital Invites: This totally depends on your guest list/audience. Our attendees were on the older folks side so we knew going digital wasn’t going to work for them.
Wedding Websites: Again, this depends on your audience. For my partner and I, most of the info on our site went unread and instead lots of people depended on the tangible, paper stuff which they could hang on their fridge or take with them.
Wedding Apps: If you want to collect photos from your guests’ eyes, these can be hugely awesome! If you have a multi-day celebration AND your guests are of the app-friendly audience, these can be hugely helpful as well. It all depends on what kind of experience you want to design for your guests, who your guests really are, and how much time you want to dedicate to these things.
Even this is so useful! Thank you so much!
Ooh! I want, I want! Anywhere I can buy in the UK, or is American Amazon my best bet?
Hi Hannah! Right now your best bet is to order through Amazon. Send a note to stacey (at) astro-wed.com if you have any trouble!
Thanks! They’ve only got the kindle version on amazon.co.uk so have ordered from the American site 🙂
So, the main page works, the one that you can enter the sweepstakes on, but if I try to go to another page, for example the priority galaxy link, it says page not found.
Anyway, I’m honestly mad that I didn’t learn about this way earlier in my engagement! I wanted a workbook, but most of them were so BIG and intimidating and/or just really boring. But a SPACE themed one? I’m all about that lol.
I love finding things, and I love the Fix Typo button, so I submitted it there, but this looks to be where the Priority Galaxy lives! http://astrowedyourwedding.squarespace.com/shop/priority-galaxy-download
Oh neat! Thanks for the link!
Thanks for posting the link Liene! We’ll have the site back to it’s usual state after the giveaway is complete on May 1st. Until then you can head to AstroWedBook.com to get the Priority Galaxy, read about what’s coming next, and read reviews from couples and vendors.