Still madly in love: a queer/trans 25th anniversary vow renewal

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 | Photography by Dutcher Photography
amber rachel 25th anni 37 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
Photography by Dutcher Photography

We recently featured the magnificent love story that is Amber and Rachel, who celebrated with a vow renewal after 25 years together! SO MAGICAL. We promised to share their vows, and it will come as no surprise that they're as beautiful as they are. If you're a couple who's considering a vow renewal and looking for inspiration, you've arrived!

Amber's Vow to Rachel

When we made promises to each other 25 years ago, who could have thought what was in store for both of us? We are both very different people now, and I'm so glad that we did the work as separate people and as a couple to be here today, and not just here. Here, still madly in love with each other after all this time.

I promise to live each day with an overflowing cup of gratitude, sprinkled with snark and sarcasm to taste. I promise to trust your individuality, even when it surprises me, as you continue to learn to live as your authentic self. I promise to continue to break down my walls and let you see and love the real me, and not that hot dude, I mean poser, you married 25 years ago.

I promise to always assume good intentions, even when the story that I tell myself tries to convince me otherwise, and to keep my heart open to you calling me on my shit.

You will always be my sunshine, even when skies are gray. I love you for the foreseeable future, thru whatever comes and goes in this life.

25th anni then and now alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)
Then and Now!

Rachel's Vow to Amber

Yes, my love, here we are 25 years later. I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you in the future. As we have each grown, separately and as a couple, our love has deepened, shifted and matured. To honor our love, I make these promises to you now:

I promise to seek out, encourage, and celebrate the good in you, and the creative, passionate spark that is uniquely you.

I promise to encourage your growth and wellbeing even when – especially when – it is challenging. I promise to be curious about you. I will honor and support your agency.

I promise to hold you accountable when you mess up. I will have your back but I will also kick your ass with perfectly calibrated oomph.

I promise to love and care for myself so that I can show up as my best self as your partner and co-parent. There are days I will fail and I trust in your grace and compassion.

I will stand with you in creating new and healthy systems for family, community and our world.

We are partners, team-mates, lovers, co-creators and adventuring companions. I look forward to what awaits us in the future together and I hope in 25 years we can do this again after a full life.

Are you and yours looking to celebrate your love once again? Need some suitably inspirational words to mark your renewal? You're in good company – check out our collection of sweet everythings here!

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