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Come get inspiration for your snowy winter wedding, full of candles and romance and brides wearing boots and drinking hot chocolate…

Ivory Wedding Shawl on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Furry, funky, and fun options that’ll keep you warm on your winter wedding day

My fiance and I are getting married in December, and the ceremony is going to take place outside. Any ideas on how I can stay warm during the ceremony and still show off my pretty dress?

pop culture 091911 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jessicah & Adam’s punk pop culture-filled wedding

This couple met making films and decided it was only right to make it official in the theater where they’ve spent so much time together. In addition to throwing out tons of references to their favorite shows and movies, these kids actually made two short films to start off the ceremony! If that wasn’t enough, you’ll get to see the groom’s rad giant green mohawk.

jameng 090611 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jamie & Mengmeng’s geeky Corgi-loving wedding

Jamie and Mengmeng (Jameng, as the tabloids call them) rocked a Chinese-influenced, geek-tastic, Joss Whedon-loving wedding celebrating all of their favorite interests. Get ready for chopsticks, Corgis, and a Serenity cake.

wooleybugger 090211 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rose & Aaron’s zombies and pizza Wooly Bugger farm wedding

One plot of land, lovingly transformed into a place where a community comes together to see a couple wed… and grill pizza. And chill with farm animals. And make s’mores. And fend off the zombie apocalypse. Oh hell yes.