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Looking for wedding ideas, venues, and vendors in Washington state? Our site is published out of Seattle, so we LOVE our rainy Washington weddings. Be sure to check out our archives of Seattle weddings and Spokane weddings.

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Heather & Johnathan’s nerdy summer picnic wedding

These two had some interesting dilemmas: managing expectations from a very Catholic family and a not-so-Catholic family, balancing the needs of disabilities and the recovery community, and having a super low budget. But we can all learn from this bride’s kick-ass attitude about keeping things accessible and authentic! Plus, we’re totally behind any wedding that ends with a D&D campaign.

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Ray’s Boathouse Seattle sunset wedding

Want to learn about prioritizing, using a rad iPod playlist as your DJ, how to prepare for too much ceremony crying, and how to trade for a day-of coordinator? This wedding is your primer! Plus, you get to bask in the glow of the sunset-drenched photos at a gorgeous boathouse venue in Seattle.

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Brooke & Will’s Star Trek and peacocks handcrafted wedding

Robots and aliens have invaded weddings this week! It’s making me want to break it down in a binary solo. Today we’ve got some Star Trek lovers with a penchant for fall colors and DIY. The day may have started out on a wonky note, but it looks like this friends and family team was top notch at problem-fixing. Oh, and note that if you hand a flask to the bride, make sure it’s not too full!

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Morgan & Matt’s robot love fest wedding

Robots and aliens have invaded weddings this week! It’s making me want to break it down in a binary solo. This couple had all their guests bring something robo-related, including a mini mechanical baby! And barring one robot mishap at the ceremony, it was a total success. Even some YOLOing teenagers couldn’t hamper the awesomeness.