Natalie & Nick’s Red Queen Garden Party Wedding
The offbeat bride: Natalie, Graphic Artist Her offbeat partner: Nick, Finance Officer Location & date of wedding: Newstead Park Rotunda, Brisbane, Australia on April 19th, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: I wore a red gown that I designed myself that was inspired in part by the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland, Victorian fashions […]
Ack: my fiance saw me in my wedding dress
What happens if my fiance sees me in my dress before the wedding? Does superstition win out? Does it ruin the “big reveal” moment for good? Ariel weighs in and gives advice.
Offbeat Bride + Traditional Groom = ?!?
How do manage when you’re dreaming of a weird wedding, and he’s dreaming of a tux with tails?
Dealing with family expectations
“As an offbeat bride I come from an offbeat family, yet I have been amazed at the expectations that have come up from both sides of our families. How do I manage the expectations of so many family members, while still keeping the vision of our own, unique wedding intact?”