An intimate kaleidoscopic family-focused wedding from the Philippines
Hasmukh and Kathlynn fused a whole lot of color into their wedding day. Everything is color-drenched and squeal-worthy, from the bride’s bright red bouquet and jewelry, to the pink-hued streamers in the ceremony! The wedding decor was 100% DIYed by the couple and their family members. They handcrafted striped and polka-dotted yellow and orange lanterns, created wedding signs with sturdy paper and puff paint, and tucked floral centerpieces into coffee mug vases.
Shawn & Ani’s spontaneous change-of-plans intimate wedding dinner
When life throws you lemons, you make delicious intimate wedding lemonade! This pair was planning a larger wedding, but we love the results of their change-of-plans: a chic restaurant, 15 of their nearest and dearest, and a funny moment during the ceremony.
George & Jade’s intimate Cape Town wedding
Capetown’s gorgeous scenery is the perfect backdrop for this sweet and intimate chapel wedding. You need to see this bride’s necklace/shoulder jewelry AND the groom’s adorable I’m-so-happy-to-marry-this-woman cheer or else our work isn’t done. Our only regret is not being invited to their second ceremony in Zimbabwe!
An amphitheater wedding in Colorado with gratuitous dog adorableness
Dayna and Jason’s Colorado wedding had so much going for it: Dayna’s short and sweet dress, Jason’s Boston tie, their walk down the aisle together, the amphitheater setting with a view we can’t even handle right now, and GRATUITOUS DOGGY SHOTS! This pooch is walking down the aisle, front-and-center at the ceremony, and then falling asleep in the middle. We are bowled over with cuteness. Then it’s on to the reception where there’s carb-loading and robin’s egg centerpieces.