Lesley & Nick’s laid back, vegetarian, Buddhist wedding
Lesley & Nick wanted a simple wedding without breaking the budget. They cut costs by DIY’ing, cutting things they didn’t need and hiring an aspiring photographer. They kept the ceremony at ninety guests and then had everyone (including those who didn’t attend the ceremony) meet at a bar after for drinks!
Ally & Jake’s quirky, rainy-day wedding and barn party in the mountains
Ally & Jake are laid-back, nature loving, mountain nuts. So they had a simple wedding in a meadow followed by a raging dance party in a local barn!
These two had a self-uniting wedding at Falling Water
Leah & Jordan had a humanist/quaker inspired wedding at Frank Lloyd Wright’s house: Falling Water. This meant they did not have an officiant presiding over their wedding. Additionally, instead of just the bride wearing white, the entire wedding party wore white.
RJ & Amanda’s eco-friendly science experiment wedding
My partner and I aren’t at all religious, but both work in scientific fields and spend most of our free time hiking and rock-climbing. Add in that we’re both hopeless geeks, and a science museum is the obvious place to get hitched.