Cecilie & Robert’s history geeks medieval wedding
These two are serious history geeks and managed to inspire all of their guests to time travel back to their favorite medieval era. With handmade place card scrolls, a lakeside ceremony, and a little medieval barn nookie, there’s lots to see and loads to love about this sweet wedding in Denmark.
Cayleigh & Dave’s theatrical Pirate boat wedding
Ahoy thar mateys! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day, so we’ve got a pirate-y weddin’ t’ get you in t’ spirit! Cue a boat, lots of movie and video game references, some eye patches, and a lot of guests messing around pirate-style, and you’ve got the fun factor of this wedding.
An elegant gothic Iron Chef wedding
As someone who has never really adhered to the concept of “gender” and felt like I fall somewhere on the scale between tomboy and androgynous, I was surprised to find planning for my wedding made me feel unexpectedly girly. I fought it for a little while, but eventually decided to just go with it. Wearing makeup and doing my hair for one day didn’t make me a new person, it was just the side of me that decided to pop out for the occasion.
Emily & Jordan’s fly-fishing and cookies English teacher wedding
We were entranced by this bride’s cookie bouquet and demanded to see MOAR! Thankfully, she obliged and gave us this amazing mountainside budget wedding with little touches of fly-fishing, homebrew, eco-friendly details, and even a fingerprint fish!