Category Archive

rock ‘n’ roll wedding

Looking for a rock n roll wedding dress? Maybe rock n roll wedding entrance songs? From punk weddings to heavy metal weddings to rockabilly weddings, Offbeat Wed’s archive of rock n roll wedding ideas.

pirate theater 061511 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Stacy & Tony’s pirate theatrical classic rock wedding

This bride will eat fire for her wedding guests! Don’t think she won’t. And this couple saved a historic theater in the process of planning their hitchening. Determined? To say the least.

5380138060 afa84212a8 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Julia & Kory’s casual rock ‘n’ roll sideshow wedding

An indestructible bride and her zombie rocker dude create “the world’s strangest married couple.” Creepy magicians, Sno-Cones, and a ton of duct tape will keep this couple stuck togetha foreva.

prison weddig 061711 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Rebekah & Ben’s old Hollywood historic prison wedding

This couple got married in prison… a gorgeous 250,000 square foot prison venue! They combined a Hollywood set with an old Hollywood theme for some major glam. An eleventh hour photographer swap made for a quick save in the end.

Passescopied alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to make your own backstage passes for your VIP wedding crew

Kristen once showed you how to make a sewing pattern out of existing clothes, now she’s showing you how to make backstage passes for your rock ‘n’ roll wedding.

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Robin & Michael’s raucous roller derby rockin’ wedding

A halftime proposal (with video!) leads to a rollicking roller skating wedding. These derby kids know how to put on a show — complete with Rock Band, blackjack, and a hip-hop serenade.

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Misha & Tracey’s sustainable DIY barn-chic queer wedding

This couple manages to combine a lot of inspiration, some eco-DIY love, and a dose of tradition into a bitchin’ barn wedding. And after seeing the homemade treat table and a kale bouquet, it’s on like Donkey Kong.