Reader Survey results, Part 2
So first, how about some more cold hard facts from the 2010 reader survey? Y’all are social media geeks! 40% of you have a blog and 40% of you use twitter. 20% of you use our Facebook fan page to follow Offbeat Bride updates, and 20% of you use RSS. You’re mostly urban, with two […]
Reader Survey results, Part 1
Almost 2500 of you took my 2010 Reader Survey in January, and I figured I’d say thank you by sharing some of the results. First, the nitty gritty: Unsurprisingly, 98% of you are women, with 1% each identifying as male or transgender (Aside: big thanks to the reader who suggested I add “Neither/Both” as a […]
2009 Reader Survey results
Last month I invited y’all to tell me a bit about yourselves via my first ever Reader Survey. Close to 2000 of you took the time to answer my questions — THANK YOU! The exercise was truly enlightening on many levels, and I figured I’d take the time to share some of the results with […]