Category Archive

plus size

Whether you self-identify as a plus size bride, fat bride, curvy bride, or bootylicious bride, this archive is full of inspiration, fashion tips, and body-positive wedding and fashion advice, plus real pictures from real wedding from really gorgeous brides of all sizes and shapes.

Untitled 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to shop for a plus-size wedding dress with less stress

I know for me, and I suspect a bunch of you out there, wedding dress shopping brought up a whole host of body issues and insecurities. Now that I’ve been there, done that, I thought I would share my experience and show you that it can be a very happy and positive experience. First off, I am overweight, there’s no denying that. Sometimes I feel great about how I look. Other times I let a bad body image get the best of me. For a little perspective, I am 5’6″, weigh 220lbs, and wear a street size 18 or 20, depending on the cut. Here’s my guide to plus size dress shopping…

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Laura & David’s color-filled art gallery wedding

We teased this bride’s technicolor gradient dress last week, and now we’ve got the whole vibrant story including the dress (natch!), the peacock details, Domo-kun cake topper, German unity ritual, and illustrated guest book! Oh, and wait until you read their amazing collection of quotes that was read at the ceremony!

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Color gradient dress: from purple to blue to green to yellow to HEAVEN

Remember this cake that I talked about last fall, driving people crazy by inventing the non-word “gradiated”? Well, if that cake was a dress, it would be this flabbergastingly gormendulous (MAKING UP WORDS!) dress that Laura wore to her wedding.

green wedding cape alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kristine & Doug’s 12th Day of Christmas outdoor winter wedding

It’s the week of Christmas and we’re immersing ourselves in ornament bouquets, holly-covered cake toppers, luxe green capes, and snow-covered weddings in Canada… just like this one! These two may be brave for having an outdoor ceremony in January, but it was the perfect opportunity to pull all the stops with hand-crocheted scarves and hats for the bridesmaids and bundled a capella serenades.

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An international Colorado mountain wedding weekend

From self-catering the event to a little social anxiety to some rain before the ceremony, this wedding could have gone awry. But this pair ended up with a super positive, love-affirming, and GORGEOUS mountain-y wedding. Even the ceremony ended up unintentionally extra awesome by becoming a wedding in the round! Don’t forget to find the MINGLO photo, too!

renaissance couple alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Amber & Marshall’s faerie-infused Renaissance wedding

Turkey legs, jousts, games, wench-y corsets, and a golden rose ceremony: sounds like a Renaissance festival wedding for the ages. And then add in the blessing from the king and queen, the adorable mini-chapel, and the tree-climbing uncle-with-a-camera, and you’ve got a wedding that’ll melt any garb-wearing Renny around.