Cool things Offbeat Brides have done using stuff available from is kind of a wonderful catch-all for our favorite decor options. Here are our some of the things you can purchase on the site and the wonderful ways that OBBs have used them…
Michelle & Philip’s multicultural, 1930s wedding and tea ceremony
Michelle & Phillip had a multicultural wedding that took place in a 1930’s Art Deco theatre. But before all that they played Chinese Door games, where the aim is to make the groom and his men do challenges in order to prove himself worthy of the bride and a Tea Ceremony!
Leah & Mark’s amazingly fun, love-filled weekend wedding
Leah & Mark collaborated with their Reiki Master to craft the perfect wedding ceremony that honored their community of loved ones. You’ve kind of seen Leah and Mark before when we introduced you to their wedding photography biz. Now here’s what it looks like when THEY got married.
Non-floral centerpieces 2.0
A thousand years ago, okay more like three years ago, Ariel put out a post called “Non floral centerpieces.” Well, in Offbeat Bride years, three years is a looooong time because we’ve been inundated with so many more amazing alternatives to floral centerpieces since then. So here is our non-floral centerpieces post version 2.0.