17 wedding bouquet alternatives for fearless brides
Since Offbeat Bride Kerry started a discussion called “Bouquet Alternatives” on the Offbeat Bride Tribe, a wealth of amazing offbeat bouquet porn has been popping up. I thought I’d share a few of the unique and inspiring ideas.
Wire bouquet
I’m on a roll with the non-floral bouquets this week! Here’s another option from Etsy seller Refinerii, who makes these bouquets out of salvaged metal and iridescent Austrian crystals, glass beads, white pearls, and silver wire. The result is super sparkly and distinctly industrial, perfect for an urban loft wedding: (Thanks, Tuppence!)
How to make a light-up Christmas ornament wedding bouquet
So you want the ultimate non-floral bouquet alternative? Here’s how to make an Christmas bulb bouquet that even lights up.
Peacock Feather Fans, the ultimate bouquet alternative
I’ve featured lots of alternatives to the standard “clump of flowers” bouquet (check out all my non-floral bouquet posts) but this photo may feature the ultimate alternative: gorgeous feather fans. Now, this may not be an option for the vegans & vegetarians in the house … but for a hot summer wedding, can you picture […]