Category Archive

non-floral bouquet

You may have seen our bouquet alternatives archive, but let’s say you’re still looking at something that resembles a bouquet a bit more closely. You just aren’t sure if you’re completely into honest-to-goodness FLOWERS. We’ve rounded up a bunch of posts with nonfloral bouquets just for you!

Dagger bridesmaid bouquets photo by Koontz Photography on Offbeat Bride 7 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Shieldmaidens slay with dagger bridesmaid bouquets

Y’all know we loves us some alternative non-floral bouquets. Y’all know we don’t think anyone has to carry a bouquet at ALL, let alone a floral bouquet. We thought we’d seen it all: brooch bouquets, book bouquets (BOOK-quets), tambourines, stuffed animals, Barbie dolls, cotton candy, pinwheels, and more… But this is the first time we’ve seen dagger bridesmaid bouquets!

A witchy elopement with a black dress, dark watercolors, and a cleansing stick bouquet

Do I need a wedding bouquet? Yay or Nay alternatives for no-bouquet wedding

If you’re asking yourself “Do I even need a wedding bouquet?” here’s a shareable list of reasons for and against bouquets, along with some interesting bouquet alternatives.

A greenery filled Tanzanian-inspired Northern Michigan wedding

8 ways to rock your wedding greenery

Wedding greenery can give you a lush look with a skinny price. You may be surprised by how many places it’ll work — illustrated with gorgeous photos from our community.

floral veil scaled alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Bride trends: Floral veils, balsa wood bouquets, geeky engagement rings, and gorgeous dresses

Most of y’all probably know that part of how Offbeat Bride stays online is with help from affiliate sales, right? This means that if you click a link on our site to spots like Etsy, Nordstrom, or Amazon, we may get a small percentage of sales that come from your click.

Where it gets funny is that we can see what you buy! Now, we can’t see WHO bought, what so your privacy is safe… but based y’all’s purchases these days, we’re starting to sense some Offbeat Bride wedding trends for the year. Let’s take a peek…