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Kilts aren’t just for Scottish grooms any more… We’ve got Utilikilts, steampunk kilts, goth kilts and soooo much more.

5461384981 2b49727910 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Allison & Jason’s spiritual, frickin’ cold, tango-infused wedding

Day 3 of Kilt Week = awesomeness. Royal blue dress + purple kilt = total awesomeness.

4538001067 b25734607a alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Donna & Kev’s black, white, and wonky wedding with monkeys!

I know the title gives it away, but there are monkeys! In a wedding dress and kilt! Flip through the slideshow for a special treat/horror/hilarity for Kilt Week wedding #2.

3503783200 6df6797668 z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jennifer & Dustin’s Potluck BBQ Extravaganza wedding

The Irish got their week last week, so now it’s time to celebrate the Scottish with Kilt Week! The first kilt-tastic wedding features a couple who knew each other in high school and reconnected after many years, a marriage, and some kids. Awww.

4900664866 d1f9a51a52 b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Emma & Jon’s sandy, handfasting, Celtic wedding celebration

Down unda, it’s actually summer right now and tropical Darwin, on Australia’s northern coast, is ALWAYS hot. Day 4 of Beach Week will now make all of us freezing are asses off jealous of Emma & Jon’s holy-shit-amazeballs wedding AND the temperature.