Category Archive


You’re ready to marry the love of your life. And it just so happens that you’re Christian and they’re Muslim. Or they’re Jewish and you’re Hindu. Or one of you is a steadfast atheist. Whatever. Interfaith weddings are a collage, and this archive is full of inspiration and ideas for how to blend your beliefs into one lovely wedding.

2695872247 b0c4b27a11 m alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Lea & Mike’s big laid-back Jewish/Lutheran budget wedding

The offbeat bride: Lea, Artist Her offbeat partner: Mike, Structural Engineer Location & date of wedding: Italian American Sports Hall of Fame in Chicago, IL on May 23rd, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: A friend of ours, a wonderful fantasy writer, officiated with an incredible speech (which can be found here). Mike’s family is […]