Category Archive

industry insiders

The Offbeat Wed community includes hundreds of inclusive wedding industry pros who are all working to change the cynical, exploitative nature of the mainstream Wedding Industrial Complex. We invite our awesome offbeat vendor friends to share their industry insider tips with us and our readers — together we can change the wedding industry to be more inclusive, more offbeat, and more awesome! (If you’re an offbeat vendor, let’s get you in here!)

rubbermasking as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Coronavirus resources for wedding vendors

Last week, we did two posts for couples whose weddings are being impacted by Coronavirus. Today, we’re sharing this post by Portland coordinator Elisabeth Kramer, with advice and guidance for wedding vendors. Please leave a comment if you have additional resources to share!

plaguedoctor mask as seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Should you cancel your wedding because of COVID-19?

Let’s talk about the question that’s been on a lot of people’s minds: will this affect my wedding?

TL;DR: Yes, unless your wedding is in the fall or afterward.

Professor gets ordained online to perform wedding for former students, on national TV

Professor gets ordained online to perform wedding for former students, on national TV

When Melissa Curie and Dotan Schips decided to tie the knot, they asked their former college professor and American Marriage Ministries (AMM) minister Florence Hunt to officiate the ceremony. While most weddings are more intimate affairs, this one was different. Melissa and Dotan invited millions of viewers to join in their experience. As part of its More Perfect Union series, CBS television cameras were on hand to capture the moment…

The challenges of having a Humanist wedding in the UK (from an officiant's perspective!)

The challenges of having a Humanist wedding in the UK (from an officiant’s perspective!)

In the UK, it isn’t easy to have a secular wedding. Religious weddings have a section focusing on the couple, but there’s also a big focus on their religion. With 71% of young people in Britain describing themselves as non-religious, this isn’t preferred for a lot of couples.

Here are the challenges of having a Humanist wedding in the UK…