Category Archive

industry insiders

The Offbeat Wed community includes hundreds of inclusive wedding industry pros who are all working to change the cynical, exploitative nature of the mainstream Wedding Industrial Complex. We invite our awesome offbeat vendor friends to share their industry insider tips with us and our readers — together we can change the wedding industry to be more inclusive, more offbeat, and more awesome! (If you’re an offbeat vendor, let’s get you in here!)

planning nontraditional wedding 1x1 1 e1660522497241 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A guide to planning a non-traditional wedding

Offbeat nearlyweds with no clue where to start with their planning… listen up! Reverend Katherine Dupree has shared this guide for planning a non-traditional wedding, with five important steps to consider as you start your planning process!

unique LA wedding dress shops alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A dress shop worker’s tips on how to get a better deal on your wedding dress

I’m a retail worker in the bridal industry in Australia, and I’m also a bride myself. Everyone wants a better deal on their dress, and for those of you shopping at brick and mortar dress shops, I wanted to offer some tips about how to talk to retail workers if you want to negotiate the price of your wedding dress down… from someone who works in the industry and knows. 

Don’t tell my boss, but I want you to get a better deal! 

how to become a wedding planner alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How to become a wedding planner, by an offbeat wedding planner

After planning a commitment ceremony for myself and seeing how difficult it was for gay weddings in 2010, I’ve been wanting to get involved and be a gay planner for several years. I can’t quit my day job while getting there though. But with all of this quarantine free time, I thought it would be good to start looking into it…

MarthaDevon6 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

A Blessing On Your House: Decoding weird wedding language with a queer Christian minister

Words have histories, and the words that go along with wedding ceremonies have millennia of symbolism behind them.

But those of us with a progressive or non-traditionalist streak sometimes wrestle with those ancient meanings as we seek to queer our rituals and find words that reflect the humanity-uplifting equal partnerships we want to build…