Have a bow tie handfasting to complete your Doctor Who wedding
I was wandering through Offbeat Bride’s Doctor Who weddings when I came across Emma and Brian’s take on a geeky wedding ceremony. The couple performed their handfasting to a reading modeled after the Doctor Who episode called “The Wedding of River Song”. Naturally, they used a bow tie for the handfasting cord! Because, as we all know…
Foliage men, Morris dancing, and a treehouse at this Pagan woodland wedding
This treehouse wedding in a forest in Kent blew us away with the traditional UK dancing, Pagan besom-jumping (for everyone!), hanging chairs, four live bands, lawn games, fictional places table names, and so much more eye candy to see. Don’t miss the “green man” at the ceremony!
How to make your own tassled, loop-braided handfasting cords
I made our own tassled, loop-braided handfasting cords. For anyone else interested in making some like this, here’s my documented process, as well as some helpful tips I learned along the way.
Offbeat Bride’s guide to pagan weddings (Part 1 everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask!)
So you’ve been invited to a Pagan wedding. Modern Paganism is a recreation of the indigenous spiritual traditions of Europe. It has been heavily influenced by modern values and ethics, such as feminism and environmentalism. So please don’t fear that you may witness an animal sacrifice at a Pagan ritual; many of us are vegan and are strong supporters of animal rights! But it might help to give you an overview on what to expect…