Category Archive


This is Halloween, and THIS is our archive of Halloween wedding ideas, which includes of goth weddings, horror weddings, tons of Halloween wedding dresses (black, purple, even orange!), Halloween wedding invitations, and of course lots of wedding skulls.

red dress alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Find the killer at this murder mystery wedding with 3 Gothic themes

To say this was an elaborate Halloween gothic-themed wedding would be an understatement. You’ll dig ALL of these details. They started off the weekend with an interactive film noir murder mystery party, had a twilight horse and carriage ride after the cemetery ceremony, and had THREE gothic themes for their seriously killer reception. Think Victorian Gothic, Spanish Gothic, and American Gothic. You don’t want to miss this one…

Halloween wedding inspiration from @offbeatbride

Hair-raising halloween wedding inspiration to scratch your eldritch itch

Halloween weddings always give us some eerie fodder for swooning. And we never get enough! This time around, we wanted to scare up some new Halloween wedding inspiration from some of our favorite offbeat vendors who specialize in finding the glam in the creepiness.

From classy succulent pumpkins and fabulous costumes to zombie unity ceremonies and rib cage ties, we’ve got some KILLER ways to amp up your Halloween wedding. Raise your hand in the comments if you’ve got some spoopy planned at your upcoming wedding.

Halloween wedding fashion

Chic and retro Halloween wedding fashion for everyone at your spine-tingling Halloween wedding

You guys remember Unique Vintage’s magical Disney princess collection that we thought would make an excellent ensemble of bridesmaids, right? They’ve got a new Halloween-themed collection that is entering our souls and turning us into spooky fashion mavens. You’ll find perfectly deadly swing skirts, skull, bat, and fang accessories, and creepy-chic shoes galore for you, your wedding party, or as a Halloween wedding guest. Let’s go shopping for that last piece of Halloween wedding fashion to get you to the altar… OF DOOM!

halloween wedding boots alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The ultimate Hallowedding shoes?!

These may be the ultimate boots for your hallowedding… glow in the dark?! Are you freaking kidding me?!

I mean, even if you didn’t want these for you, they come in toddler sizes, which means tiniest wedding party member could be rocking these down the aisle. Tiny little undead flower girl? Wee lil boney ring bearer? It just gets cuter and cuter.

Last-minute Halloween wedding idea: masks!

Last-minute Halloween wedding idea: animal masks!

Whether your upcoming Halloween wedding is full of spooktastic details, pumpkins, and costumes or it’s a more traditional wedding that happens to fall near Halloween, a last-minute Halloween wedding detail can be an unexpected twist. We’re talking animal masks like Larke and Russell wore at their ceremony. Bonus: you can take the masks onto the dance floor for shenanigans and killer photo ops.

halloween wedding products round up alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Trick out your Halloween wedding with these special treats!

We’re back with our special Halloween round-up, featuring some of our favorite spooktastic items, perfect for all our readers planning Halloween weddings! Think scary hot fashion, goth-y invitations, and unexpected accessories.

If you’re looking for the final piece of weird, spooky, or spine tingling wedding accoutrements, then look no further than these treats and special deals…