Jess & James’ whimsical, vintage-inspired, DIY feathery lovesplosion
Here is the story of JE$S & James’ feathery lovesplosion.
Ruth & Gareth’s small and sparkly, feel-the-love day
Ruth & Gareth’s kept their wedding intimate, with only twenty-two of their closest friends and family in attendance.
Ann & Sean’s comic book dork, Halloween wedding of awesomeness
See what happens when two comic book dorks fall in love and get married. I’ll give you hint — utter amazingness.
Pinkee & Pony’s Dia De Los Muertos, cemetery bash
We planned the whole thing ourselves. We utilized our amazing group of talented friends for photography, DJing skills, coordinating abilities, and helping hands to help us hang lights and set up tables the morning of. Our tribe pulled through for us and made it spectacular.