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A wedding postmortem: what I'd change about our wedding

A wedding postmortem: what I’d change about our wedding

After a wedding is over “they” say to remember the good and forget the bad. There’s no point harping about things that went wrong because there’s no way to change them. However, with the benefit of hindsight, there are some things that I would do differently that might benefit you to know…

Here are the 6 discussions you should have with your partner before the wedding

The 6 discussions you should have with your partner before the wedding

Is it getting down to the wire? Wedding date almost here?! Have you had these six big ol’ convos with your partner yet? Oh, it’s on. Time to start waylaying fears, saying thanks, and talk about TV shows. Wait, what? Yep, all of the above need to happen stat. Here are the six discussions before the wedding that probably need to happen.

4480576261 a3151b7597 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Aesthetic vs. identity: how cool are you with changing your look as a bridesmaid?

Remember this post about how to be an offbeat bridesmaid in a traditional wedding and where to draw the line with changing your look to suit the bride’s wishes? If you’re reading this site, chances are you’ve been there. Maybe more than once. We’ve got some follow-up real talk from reader Vanda that we needed to share…

Anyone else struggling with already feeling engaged while not officially engaged alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Anyone else struggling with FEELING engaged while not officially engaged?

My boyfriend and I frequently talk about getting married — to the point that we have already decided on a wedding date, a venue for both ceremony and receptions, bridal parties, and guest list. But he has yet to pop the question. So while I’m feeling guilty about being twenty yards ahead, he feels guilty being twenty yards behind. I’m struggling with already FEELING engaged while not quite officially being there yet. How do I slow down this crazy wedding train?!