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If you’re looking for unique engagement rings, offbeat proposal ideas, nontraditional engagement photo inspiration, or even engagement party vibes, this is the spot for you!

hassan052 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

My Nigerian engagement ceremony bridentity crisis

I’m generally of the belief that your wedding is not always about you, but it should reflect you: your beliefs, your values, and your community. But how could I feel good about a ceremony where I didn’t feel like myself and nothing else felt like me either? In the end, it was really been a two-step process…

100 3536 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Will you be my companion?: The perfect ring box for a Whovian proposal

Ssssh — if you listen closely you can hear the collective jealous outcries from fellow Whovians when I show you Tribesmaid Anthropolywog’s amazing Tardis ring box. Oh, and should I even drop the “matching TARDIS-blue engagement ring” bomb?

I’ll let Anthropolywog explain the most adorkable proposal you’ll hear about today…

gemvara engagement rings alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Our 5 favorite customized engagement rings

Recently, we were asked to select our favorite rings in a curated collection of hand-picked awesomeness. I had to spend some serious time to whittle the list down. One thing to know about offbeat sponsor Gemvara is that customization is king. We know a lot of you want your engagement rings to be interesting and have access to lots of metal and gemstone options. It’s not all about the diamonds!

rose gold elegance alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Crazy impressive and one-of-a-kind artistic wedding rings

I am crazy impressed with Wexford Jewelers. Impressed is an odd word to describe my reaction to our newest jewelry sponsor, I know. But the thing is, I work for a wedding blog, I see a LOT of jewelry — and I have NEVER seen anything like Wexford Jewelers designs.

Wanna feel impressed along with me? You will be when you see more of their designs and the special offer they have waiting for you at the end. Ooh, and you’ll get a gander at the most badass BLACK wedding set that is really tempting my pocket book something fierce.
Wanna feel impressed along with me? You will be when you see more of their designs and the special offer they have waiting for you at the end…