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If you’re looking for unique engagement rings, offbeat proposal ideas, nontraditional engagement photo inspiration, or even engagement party vibes, this is the spot for you!

10759274723 71317f9140 z alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How do you secretly find out your partner’s ring size?

I want to propose to my boyfriend with the ring that would then become his wedding band. The problem is… I want to make it a surprise, and I don’t know his ring size. Does anyone know other sneaky ways to find their partners ring size?

bride1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

5 ways you can rock your engagement photos AND save the dates

As a wedding photographer I pretty much love engagement sessions — for me, they’re a great way for me to get to know the couple I’m working with and for the couple to get to know me. For couples, they’re a fun way to capture a period in your life that DOESN’T directly involve the wedding — it’s just you and yours, doing your thing. Engagement photos also often serve a second purpose: you can make really amazing save the date cards using the photos from your session. That is, assuming you like the photos in the first place! So how can you make sure you love your engagement photos?

House On Hudson Jewellery Golden Snitch Ring alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

This Golden Snitch ring wins the internet today

A Harry Potter theme ring that looks like a Golden Snitch, but is still subtle enough that it doesn’t scream cosplay? We’re in love with this amazing thing made by House On Hudson Jewelry.

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Tough conversations about marriage: why an online prenup is a good start

Recently, an old friend of mine decided to have a non-legal commitment ceremony… a commitzvah, they called it. For various reasons, she and her dude decided they didn’t want to legally get married, but you know what they did instead? They sat down with a lawyer, and had some really, really difficult conversations and worked out a legally-binding commitment agreement. Conversations about money. Conversations about children and aging parents. Conversations about fidelity and divorce. Realistically, because they opted to build their legally-binding commitment from scratch, they had conversations that many of us planning state-recognized marriages don’t have.