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If you’re looking for unique engagement rings, offbeat proposal ideas, nontraditional engagement photo inspiration, or even engagement party vibes, this is the spot for you!

brilliantearthwhite top lg alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ethically-sourced sapphires in every color imaginable from Brilliant Earth

Ariel and I are both the proud owners of Brilliant Earth sapphire rings. Ariel rocks one of their sapphire engagement rings and I have one of their sapphire bands that I like to mix and match with my wedding rings. But enough about us … let’s talk about pretty sparkly blue things…

verda alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Gorgeous and guilt-free antique engagement rings from Brilliant Earth

We’ve showed you a lot of fabulous jewelry from Brilliant Earth over the years. But I’m particularly excited about featuring their antique and vintage engagement rings. Here are just a few of the choices that are still available (for the moment) over at Brilliant Earth

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So, people think you’re too young to get married

I am 19 years old and I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years. We are very much in love and have eventual plans for marriage, but nothing set in stone. An old friend recently commented that we were “too young” to be engaged. How can I diffuse future situations where others judge our love to be “too young” for anything serious?

Being the Lesbian in Brideland, Farmtown, Indiana.

Being the Lesbian in Brideland, Farmtown, Indiana.

Tribesmaid Caitlin wrote this post on how it feels to be girl engaged to another girl surrounded by girls engaged to boys.

BE2PD15R15 white top lg alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

We gotchoo with this wedding band style guide

We just love Brilliant Earth and their ethically sourced diamonds and jewelry, so we asked them to do us all a favor and hook us up with a wedding band style guide. So if you guys are currently looking for wedding bands, this is your lucky day! Offbeat Promotion, May 2011:, receive free engraving when you purchase two wedding bands!

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A nifty tip for ring shopping from a UK bride

The German and I bought our wedding rings last week and followed the most awesome tip from a friend. Forgive me if this is totally obvious but we had no idea that we could do it so I thought I would share…