I took off my ring yesterday
I took my ring off yesterday… I needed one day, just one, where I really considered whether this marriage was something I wanted. Throughout the in-law drama I would ask my my fiancé if he was absolutely sure he wanted to marry me. I realized I’d never really considered the question myself.
Find wedding rings you actually love: Insider advice that jewelry stores may not want you to know
Unless you’re going ring-less, your wedding rings are going to be something you wear for a very long time — it may be on your hand all day, every day. So shouldn’t your ring get at least as much thought and care in shopping as your wedding outfits? I used to work at a jewelry store, and I could tell you some interesting stories. So, here are my tips for getting what you want, and at the best price.
How do you secretly find out your partner’s ring size?
I want to propose to my boyfriend with the ring that would then become his wedding band. The problem is… I want to make it a surprise, and I don’t know his ring size. Does anyone know other sneaky ways to find their partners ring size?
This Golden Snitch ring wins the internet today
A Harry Potter theme ring that looks like a Golden Snitch, but is still subtle enough that it doesn’t scream cosplay? We’re in love with this amazing thing made by House On Hudson Jewelry.