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This our archive of DIY weddings. If you’re looking for free wedding printables and wedding DIY tutorials, we can do that too. We’ve got everything from wedding decor DIY projects to fashion DIY, and of course DIY wedding favors. But for the love of god, mostly everyone wants wedding invitation DIY — we’ve got it all!

6148064538 6a42dced38 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Melaina & Nick’s colorful playful and kid-friendly wedding

After hiring him to color her comics, he colored her world. D’aw! And a theme was born: color! That, along with everything playful and awesome, makes this artsy and geeky wedding a feast for the eyes and fun for all ages. Though a few mishaps were born of Hurricane Irene, somehow it all came together in the end.

6304464215 ce5fc477d4 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Ashley & Oliver’s homemade wedding on the dunes

This wedding explodes with DIY details: a handmade dress and shrug, self-assembled bouquets and centerpieces, jewelry, hairpieces, flask garters, photo booth props, and barefoot sandals(!). The sandals were the perfect shoe solution for a beach ceremony. The handfasting, adorable “ring bear,” and gorgeous setting round out a fabulous wedding day.

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Petra & Tahir’s cross-cultural outdoor peacock wedding

Peacock feathers, homemade vanilla syrup, and two ceremonies make me happy. Add in some tree planting, multicultural reception games, lots of henna, and a whole roasted lamb, and it’s a party. Check out this amazing wedding full of rich culture.

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Julie & Tom’s sci-fi and carnival-inspired treehouse wedding

Snow cones, vuvuzelas, high school students doing historical readings, dressed up dogs, 10-mile runs in wedding garb, a treehouse ceremony, Doctor Who… dude, it’s even fun typing it out! Lots of interests, lots of DIY, and lots of awesome. The bride doesn’t even mention that there was a milkshake bar, which I totally spied on the menu. What!