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divorce cards seen on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

How divorce has positively affected my wedding planning

My parents and my future husband are all divorced. And this is probably going to sound like a really odd, coming from someone planning her first, and hopefully only wedding. But I wanted to share some thoughts I had on how divorce has, in fact, positively affected my wedding planning process.

offbeat divorce alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Divorce, Part 2: The Separating

As I said in my previous post, my marriage failed. After a period of struggle, we decided to separate (and have since divorced). The separation process was also fraught and sometimes felt impossible, but I got through. Here are a few things I learned.

4876235653 fe89da63da b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat Divorce, Part 1: The Struggling

Hi, my name is Kate and I failed. I had a somewhat offbeat wedding, was married for 8 years, ultimately failed at it, and got divorced.

photo by christinalikesbirds alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Why did a bunch of my guests break up right after our wedding?

“I just got married last year, and I noticed something really strange: after our wedding, several guests who’d attended went through break-ups with their boyfriends and girlfriends.

…Was it something I said?”