“Papel Picado” kaleidoscope window décor
What if the view from your venue leaves something to be desired? You’re not exactly excited for your guests to see the passed-out transient in the alley. With some translucent window décor you can simultaneously have your gorgeous natural light and a pretty sight too.
Cool things Offbeat Brides have done using stuff available from Jadetime.com
Jadetime.com is kind of a wonderful catch-all for our favorite decor options. Here are our some of the things you can purchase on the site and the wonderful ways that OBBs have used them…
How to make paper hearts on a string on the cheap and pretty
Amanda needed to decorate about a half acre of her woodland picnic area wedding venue on the cheap. So she came up with the idea of making these paper hearts on a string. They look awesome so it was no wonder that OBTers demanded a tutorial. And so she kindly obliged…
Rockin’ music-inspired wedding favors from Little Things Favors
Remember when we told you that Little Things Favors was going to be checking now and then with their favorite offbeat favors? Well, we’ve already featured their favorite eco-friendly wedding favors and, as promised, they are back with their favorite music-themed wedding favors! For music-inspired favors, here are some originals…