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Little Mermaid bridal shower as seen on @offbeatbride #littlemermaid #disney #shower

Darling it’s better down where it’s wetter: a Little Mermaid bridal shower to ADORE

As you know, I’m obsessed with The Little Mermaid. After my Little Mermaid-inspired proposal, it seemed only right to have an “Under the sea” bridal shower. Don’t miss all the EPIC themed decor and food!

Level up your game with cosplay engagement photos as seen on @offbeatbride

Level up your game with cosplay engagement photos

We’ve featured our fair share of costume weddings, cosplay-inspired weddings, and even cosplaying wedding vendors, but we will never tire of seeing readers dressed in their finest cosplay. We featured a military pre-deployment wedding a while back and we couldn’t help but single out their rad-as-hell Game of Thrones cosplay shoot at the Chicago convention, Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2).

Borderlands wedding as seen on @offbeatbride #borderlands

Are you prepared for this Borderlands cosplay wedding?

Attention Borderlands fans: this Borderlands cosplay wedding is right up your alley. With handcrafted weapons and costumes, this intimate wedding takes video game themes up a notch and wowed us. You don’t want to miss the detail that went into the costumes, the decor, and the Borderlands details. Plus, if you’re looking for amazing Etsy sellers for these details, you’ll want to see the list.

Nerdy pre-deployment wedding (with Game of Thrones cosplay!)

Nerdy military pre-deployment wedding (with Game of Thrones cosplay!)

The groom was set to be deployed, so he proposed less than three weeks before the ceremony. Queue the nerdy, Star Wars and Game of Thrones quick wedding! On a beautiful veranda by a pond, the cosplaying pair had a nerdy military pre-deployment wedding to thrill everyone.

10531818 hi 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

We’re scheming ideas from this Star Wars: The Force Awakens wedding fashion line (up to size 5X!)

Hot Topic has been partnering with lady fandom heroines Her Universe to give us pretty rad Doctor Who and Marvel dress and fashion lines, but their Star Wars: The Force Awakens line is kicking up all kinds of ideas for Star Wars weddings. With sizes from XS to 5X, I’m picturing a whole slew of BB-8, Stormtrooper, and Kylo Ren-inspired bridesmaids. All of the styles are kind of cosplay-lite that could easily blend into both daily life AND geeky wedding fashion. Let’s take a peek at the collection of The Force Awakens wedding fashion.

DesignArabesque jewelry alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Magical bespoke wedding jewelry for artists, nature-lovers, and cosplayers

Arabesque specializes in bespoke wedding jewelry and historically inspired pieces for cosplayers and re-enactors! Or as they put it: “We make one of a kind statement pieces with an elegant, eclectic emphasis on art, history, and magic.” But they don’t stop at ring design, they can even hook you up with the coolest toasting flutes ever. Check this out…