Category Archive


Considering a wedding corset dress? What about a wedding corset and skirt? We’ve got tons of inspiration and ideas for you, including some amazing wedding corset makers. If you’re into corsets, you might always want to check out our steampunk weddings and renaissance fair weddings.

Transgender wedding dresses

Finding the perfect wedding dress for a transgender bride

“I’m a bridesmaid in a close friend’s wedding this summer — R is transgender, and she’s struggling to find a dress on a budget.”

4133600681 4d92afee68 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Mollie & Scott’s “Piradical” High Seas Wedding Adventure

Hey, remember the pirate wedding porn that I promised would knock yer boots off, and then it totally did? Well Mollie (the pirate bride) was kind enough to drop the details for us!

4133600643 bfc3694567 o alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Pirate wedding that will knock yer boots off

Ooh, lookie lookie at the pirate wedding porn that popped up in our Offbeat Bride Flickr pool today! At this point all we know is that Scott and Mollie here pulled off one impressive-ass pirate-themed wedding that rivals Pirates of the Caribbean in costume design. We also know this… This is what the guys looked […]

4110540182 2b1e56d80f alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Kory & Ben’s Dia de los Dinosaurs Wedding

The offbeat bride: Kory Bingaman, illustrator and comic book artist Her offbeat partner: Ben Francka, writer and cook Location & date of wedding: Riverwalk Jazz Café, Ozark Missouri — September 19, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: Neither of us were caught up on traditions or thoughts of “we have to do this because that’s […]