Pinkee & Pony’s Dia De Los Muertos, cemetery bash
We planned the whole thing ourselves. We utilized our amazing group of talented friends for photography, DJing skills, coordinating abilities, and helping hands to help us hang lights and set up tables the morning of. Our tribe pulled through for us and made it spectacular.
Rainbow Bride
We love EVERYTHING about Megan, the rainbow bride. For even MOAR rainbow wedding madness, check out the selection of rainbow stylings in this colorful ROYGBV roundup.
Diane & Taren’s Pagan/ADF, Druid, fall-fest wedding
Parts of our wedding included blessing our guests with land, sea and sky, three rune readers who read relevant runes while holding our rings to infuse blessings, a prayer to the Earth Mother, and the reading of a poem. Our dog even had a part!
Michele & Matt’s steampunk, cocktail party wedding
Wow, we’ve been teasing this wedding for quite a while now… Remember the “Yay!” flags, made by OBT member Michele, that everyone loved so much that we made Michele give us an “how to” post? And then remember the awesome steampunk groom fashion post? Well that was all from the same wedding and we finally […]