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Considering a wedding corset dress? What about a wedding corset and skirt? We’ve got tons of inspiration and ideas for you, including some amazing wedding corset makers. If you’re into corsets, you might always want to check out our steampunk weddings and renaissance fair weddings.

bb1b64dda4e8b28d396e1e58bb182a0c alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Noir and gothic: black dresses with a dark side

It’s Halloween week at Offbeat Bride and one detail we especially love is an amazing black dress. We love them all year round, but smooshing them into one big post just screams goth Halloween-ness. We’ve rounded up our favorite Offbeat Brides sporting black gowns and some of our favorites to buy if you’re in the market.

7954460700 d698ffdb1d alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Laura & Mark’s Australian High Country wilderness wedding

We all flipped for the photo of Laura and Mark traversing the Snowy Mountains in their purple and black duds in a recent Monday Montage. This wedding is just lovely from start to finish. And thankfully, despite the flower girl’s worries, there was no dinosaur attack, just a whole lot of horses milling about.

flash mob 091212 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Andie & Laurie’s Vaudevillian queer love extravaganza wedding

This performance-based costume wedding had two men of honor, a best lady, a wedding admiral, a ring master, a banjoist and baladeer, a celebrity Lutheran pastor, a Drag Queen Mistress of Ceremonies (who performed a Barbie rendition of Steel Magnolias), and a Dolly Parton flash mob dance (animated for your pleasure). There’s lot of eye candy and some insightful philosophizing too.

6398327755 7fc75d704b alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

An elegant gothic Iron Chef wedding

As someone who has never really adhered to the concept of “gender” and felt like I fall somewhere on the scale between tomboy and androgynous, I was surprised to find planning for my wedding made me feel unexpectedly girly. I fought it for a little while, but eventually decided to just go with it. Wearing makeup and doing my hair for one day didn’t make me a new person, it was just the side of me that decided to pop out for the occasion.