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Maybe you’ve heard of our checklist, but we’ve written about other wedding planning organizers, apps, and checklists, too!

The best wedding advice ever alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Turn that to-do into WOOHOO: The best wedding advice ever

Surely, with such an easygoing and organized bride, this was bound to be a stress-free process, right? HA. During planning month six out of ten, I broke down crying while talking to my mom about something wedding-related. My mom turned around and gave me the best advice I received during the course of planning my wedding.

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Stress rehearsal: Why I’m saying goodbye to the wedding photo checklist

I have a problem putting too much emphasis on details, and I have a tendency to be too detail-oriented. Through all this, my fiancé is like, “Why are you making simple things so complicated?” He also said at one point, “Why are you trying to cram in so many things into our wedding pictures, when you can just let things happen naturally?” Then I remembered a previous co-worker’s wedding advice: “The wedding day goes by so fast. Enjoy each moment.” So, remembering that, I said to my photographer, “no more photo must-haves.”

Skitch sample alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

The electronic wedding hacks: Choosing your online wedding planning tools

There are gazillions of planning tools out there, and many of them are web-based. But which ones should you pick? Tribesmaid Sunny has rounded up the best online planning tools that are free, accessible on portable devices, and easy to use. Here’s what you need to know…

4758916175 7755719b66 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Offbeat guide to the wedding photo shot list

The Offbeat Bride guide to wedding photography shot lists with tons of tips on how to make the wedding photography run as smooth as possible.