How to change your name after the wedding (including an account checklist!)
If you’re planning a name change after your wedding, the process can be a smidge daunting. But it’s only a few steps in total and a requires a little organization. You can handle this! Here’s how to change your name after the wedding.
Your last-minute wedding checklist
You’ve finishing up all your final wedding plans, but sometimes you just need a list of last-minute things to remember. Here’s what you’ll want to be handling a few days before your wedding including paying vendors, breaking in shoes, packing your “oh shit kit,” and doing a lot of last-minute make-outs with your partner. It’s the big last-minute wedding checklist!
Scrum your wedding: how to plan your wedding like a software developer
Our wedding planning process was smooth and enjoyable in large part due to my husband’s and my day jobs. He’s a software developer and I’ve been a “Scrum Master.” It sounds like a made-up title, but it’s actually a real thing. “Scrum” is a popular methodology used in software development and manufacturing, and my husband and I found it was perfect for wedding planning as well.
Turn that to-do into WOOHOO: The best wedding advice ever
Surely, with such an easygoing and organized bride, this was bound to be a stress-free process, right? HA. During planning month six out of ten, I broke down crying while talking to my mom about something wedding-related. My mom turned around and gave me the best advice I received during the course of planning my wedding.