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Looking for wedding budgeting tips, real wedding budget breakdowns, wedding budget hacks and advice? We’ve got it all. Also, be sure to snag our wedding budgeting spreadsheet to REALLY get your wedding budget handled.

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Tacky weddings: How to not like things, and not be a dick about it

Way back in 2011, I wrote about the shock some folks can experience when their wedding goes viral. The sad truth is that this a perennial topic, because, well, the internet loves to snark about weddings. Even if your wedding doesn’t go the full Buzzfeed viral, there’s always the chance that members of, say, a board focused on wedding etiquette might be mortified, and link to it, and the comments might get flooded with negativity.

This happened a few weeks ago…

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How we worded the invitations for our crowdsourced wedding

We have decided to crowdfund our wedding. It won’t pay for everything, but it does mean we can focus on having a good time rather than scrimping and saving on every little thing. The tricky part was wording everything right on the invitations, so we didn’t come off as stingy or cheap. I wrote a little poem to explain the crowdfunding. If anyone wants it, they can steal it…

budget pie chart alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Show me the money! Here’s my wedding budget breakdown

My wedding in total cost roughly £13,500 which I believe is the bottom end of average here in the UK, and was largely thanks to the very kind support of my parents. Here’s where the money went on my wedding, a few points to consider, and my big tips for budgeting for your wedding.

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Confidence: the secret key to pulling off a guilt-free budget wedding

When I was planning my wedding, cost was a big factor. While I wanted to enjoy the day and have it represent my partner and me, I didn’t want to do it at a premium cost. So I SCOURED the internet to find ways to slash my budget. The problem was that some of these “20 Ideas to Cut Your Budget” just weren’t feasible. Here is where I think the biggest difficulties in planning a budget wedding lie: that it’s really hard to find affirmation in choosing the “cheaper” way. So here are my tips for planning a guilt-free “budget” wedding…