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economical wedding

This is our celebration of weddings working with lower budgets. We don’t call these “budget weddings,” because realistically EVERY wedding has a budget — some weddings are just working with a smaller budget. We’ve got tons of low-budget wedding inspiration and ideas — come get inspired by how other couples have made the most of their money! You may also want to check out our wedding budgeting advice.

masque 061011 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Jenifer & William’s opulent masquerade ball wedding

People look awesome in masks. It’s a proven fact. And this crew looks guh-mazing! Tack on major recycling ingenuity and the entire wedding in the spirit and you’ve got masque-madness.

pamela danny fi 052911 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Pamela & Danny’s music and poetry coffee shop wedding in six acts

A crafting queen weds her beau surrounded by music and poetry. Throw in some whimsy in the form of Ms. PacMan, Saved by the Bell, and mason jar cupcakes, and you’ve got awesomeness.

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Robin & Michael’s raucous roller derby rockin’ wedding

A halftime proposal (with video!) leads to a rollicking roller skating wedding. These derby kids know how to put on a show — complete with Rock Band, blackjack, and a hip-hop serenade.

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Misha & Tracey’s sustainable DIY barn-chic queer wedding

This couple manages to combine a lot of inspiration, some eco-DIY love, and a dose of tradition into a bitchin’ barn wedding. And after seeing the homemade treat table and a kale bouquet, it’s on like Donkey Kong.

wilds things couple 052911 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Vanessa & Derek’s geeky vintage bear-y jokester wedding

Everyone likes a bride in a cake hat and a groom in Chuck Taylors. And if their vows don’t make your weep, you’re a robot from outer space. Wanna know where the wild things are? This wedding.

bistro wedding on offbeat bride alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Emily & Craig’s elegant DIY bistro teeny tiny wedding

This wedding proves that all a bride needs to fashion a killer veil is a salad bowl and sheer will. Stack on some bistro grub, crossword puzzles, and major DIY-cred and you’ve got yourself a party.