Amanda & Ian’s fairy tale Renaissance wedding
An unfortunate accident forced this couple to reexamine their wedding priorities and led them to their perfect Renaissance Faire wedding. Nothing cures broken bone blues like a horse-drawn carriage, a sword-drawn recessional, and a few gallons of mead.
A daddy/daughter duet, a chatty pooch, and a glowing Hello Kitty cake
Jay and Michelle are psyched to be hitched and the fist pump seals the deal. This Monday Montage is chock full of happy-sappy lovers. Plus, a sweet daddy/daughter duet, a chatty pooch, and a glowing Hello Kitty cake. Hopefully this makes your Monday a little more grin-worthy.
A Buddhist same-sex new york pop-up wedding
Jazell and Debra were part of the Pop Up Chapel event in New York City, which brought together unique archways and backdrops to 24 same-sex couples for an open-air ceremony. Roman Francisco was there to photograph the event including their amazing outfits, Buddhist ceremony, and a large, supportive audience of guests and spectators.
Dagny & Charlie’s toys noise and tattoos goofball wedding
Take some noisemakers, fortune telling fish, wax lips and mustaches, oversized eyeglasses, and a temporary tattoo booth and you’ll have an awesome way to distract your guests from making a big scene when you’re a shy couple. Plus, SO MUCH FUN. This couple definitely knows how to throw a good party that is true to their needs.