Kristin & Tracy’s crafty, fun, Eggstra special wedding
By having their wedding at a cool breakfast restaurant, Kristen and Tracy not only found a beautiful, affordable venue but also a theme: Eggs! Here is their “Eggciting, Eggstra special, Eggstravaganza” complete with dashing butch-bride tux, Egg bouquets, tear-jerking equality speech from Mom, Bride Bingo for the kids and the most awesomest wedding party t-shirts evar.
Jessi & John’s horror film, Rocktober 31st wedding
Aw, the last day of Halloween week… I hope you’ve had a Happy Halloween Week this year, I know I have. To close the week we bring you Jessi and John’s horror wedding! We’re talking zombie shoes, skull flowers, horror movie centerpieces and the perfect Halloween wedding cake topper! -Megs
19 alternative engagement rings perfect for proposing to your offbeat beloved
While Offbeat Brides don’t always follow the wedding conventions, I do notice that lots of offbeat proposals happen during the traditional time, which is between Thanksgiving and New Years. So let’s look at some offbeat engagement rings!
How to join Offbeat Wed’s vendor community & get listed in our curated Vendor Guide
We love helping our curated community of offbeat vendors find their dream clients! If you read Offbeat Wed and think “I wish I had more alternative wedding clients like that” …well, that’s literally our job! When you’re ready to work with some of the world’s most creative nearlyweds, we encourage you to join our vendor […]