Sarah & James’ tree-planting rainbow geeky wedding
We teased this couple’s epic fantasy cake, and you guys made it clear that the rest of the wedding must be seen. And seen it shall be! Prepare yourself for pom-poms, glow sticks, rainbow brollies, wishing trees, and silly and awkward ceremony reading photos.
Alicia & Jonah’s nature-focused Native American wedding
Our ceremony was a traditional Ojibwa wedding, performed by an Ojibwa elder. Ojibwa is an eastern Canadian native American tribe which is Jonah’s ancestry. Our wedding was held outdoors from ceremony to pictures to dinner to reception. The reception was held at night under a patch of trees. We danced on a grass dance floor.
Better bare-faced: Why I’m not wearing makeup at the wedding
As I grew up, I experimented with makeup. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a sucker for those cute little tubes and bottles. I probably own more makeup than I will ever need. I loooooove makeup. But there were two major factors that led me to the decision that tinted lip balm and maybe a coat of mascara would be the only makeup-related prep points on my to-do list…
Jamielynn & Matthew’s wedding weekend with a trebuchet
Campfires, archery, boating, a ropes course, and a giant creme donut — it’s the wedding of any outdoors-y kid’s dreams. This pair also built an epic “trebouquet” for the bouquet toss! Oh, and just wait until you hear about their funniest moment involving an adorable grandmother ad-lib.