Casual wedding invitation wording that won’t make you barf – 27 examples!
For couples planning formal weddings, traditional wording makes sense — but for the rest of us? It feels like putting on someone else’s coat. A little stiff, and a lot uncomfortable. Never fret. I’ve got some quick tips and examples of wedding invitation wording that feels like your favorite old t-shirt — but, you know, a little fancier.
Melissa’s rainy rural wedding with the biggest bonfire evar!
I’m trying to get caught up on my backlog of bride profiles — so this week it’s wall-to-wall wedding porn for y’all. Enjoy! The offbeat bride: Melissa, Student My offbeat groom: Jon, Student/Retail Location & date of wedding: Jon’s Parent’s HUGE yard in rural Manitoba, Canada. June 23, 2007 What made our wedding offbeat: Our […]
Tina’s haunted house halloween wedding
It was love made in heaven, but a marriage made in Hell. What didn’t make this happy day offbeat? The theme of the wedding was “Love Never Dies” It was full moon, which we did not plan. The location was one of the big things — we were married in front of the Cemetery of a haunted house. We chose that location not only because we both work there, but because we fell in love there and it has become a huge part of our lives.
How to make a wedding porta potty less gross and more awesome
Porta potties have gotten a bad rap. Typically, the blue-water nightmares at crowded outdoor events are poorly maintained and abused by drunks, and you’re more likely to find a turd on the toilet seat than you are a roll of toilet paper. But it doesn’t have to be that way at your wedding…