LaSherra & Brandon’s Spring wedding with a hip-hop soundtrack
You’ve seen the breakdancing and broom jumping awesomeness from this wedding before, now get the whole story on this classic hip-hop wedding.
How to plan a wedding from afar: part 2
Here are even more tips and tricks to planning a wedding from a location far far away (and not freaking out in the process)! If you missed it last week, here’s Part 1.
Torture-free wedding showers
Ah, the “wedding shower” — A wonderful tradition rife with feminist solidarity and celebrations of love, marriage and family bonding? …Or torture in the form of humiliating games and awkward, voyeuristic present-opening rituals?
Laura & Jim’s vintage gazebo wedding
The Offbeat Bride: Laura, history detective My Offbeat Partner: Jim, army captain Location & date of the wedding: Gazebo in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lovingston, Virginia — July 26, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: When Jim and I made the decision to get married in May, we knew we weren’t going to have the […]