Torture-free wedding showers
Ah, the “wedding shower” — A wonderful tradition rife with feminist solidarity and celebrations of love, marriage and family bonding? …Or torture in the form of humiliating games and awkward, voyeuristic present-opening rituals?
Laura & Jim’s vintage gazebo wedding
The Offbeat Bride: Laura, history detective My Offbeat Partner: Jim, army captain Location & date of the wedding: Gazebo in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lovingston, Virginia — July 26, 2008 What made our wedding offbeat: When Jim and I made the decision to get married in May, we knew we weren’t going to have the […]
Lisa & Rowly’s kid-friendly campsite wedding
Since both our families were from out of state, we searched for a place where we could be together for a weekend. We wanted more of an experience than just a few hours of the traditional ceremony, food and dancing. We lucked out finding the Woods at Wihakowi, which is about 5 miles from our own house. It was small enough that we could take it over for the weekend but had enough space (36 acres!) that everyone could spread out.
Wedding overload: When to stop looking at wedding inspiration
If lusting after some fantasy of what you COULD have starts to interfere with the reality of enjoying what you’ve ACTUALLY got… it’s time to stop looking at wedding photos.