Danielle & Banger’s gothique, Burton-esque, New Orleans, voodoo, Hallows-Eve, handfasting
Remember when Ariel got all jumpy and hand-clappy over that gorgeous goth stripey bride? Where here she is with the whole gorgeous goth wedding details! The offbeat bride: Danielle, Comedic Actress, Usui Reiki Master, Village Witch & Tarot Reader (and OBT member “Danielle“) Her offbeat partner: Banger: Semi Professional Musician, Financial Services Consultant Location & […]
Kory & Ben’s Dia de los Dinosaurs Wedding
The offbeat bride: Kory Bingaman, illustrator and comic book artist Her offbeat partner: Ben Francka, writer and cook Location & date of wedding: Riverwalk Jazz Café, Ozark Missouri — September 19, 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: Neither of us were caught up on traditions or thoughts of “we have to do this because that’s […]
Ingi & Jay’s neo-Victorian, steampunk, black & white, garden wedding
The offbeat bride: Ingi, teacher (and OBT member) Her offbeat partner: Jay, beer warehouse supervisor Location & date of wedding: Edgar Allan Poe Museum, Richmond, VA — 10/17/09 What made our wedding offbeat: I fell in love with the Poe Museum’s Enchanted Garden on a tour when I moved to Richmond years ago, so when […]
Amanda & Patrick’s Elvis wedding in Las Vegas & Iowa reception
The offbeat bride: Amanda, Medical Assistant/hair stylist Her offbeat partner: Patrick, Softwear Control Libriarian Location & date of wedding: Swan Garden Lakeside, Las Vegas Nevada — October 13th 2009 What made our wedding offbeat: After dating for 6 years, I asked HIM to marry me. We decided to go down to fabulous Las Vegas and […]